Spring Bloom in Fall--It's a Problem
Fruit Growing Resources

Popup Perennial Edibles Sales

If you are looking for a single fruit tree or a entire edible landscape, you may find what you need at one of the periodic plant sales being held on the grounds of the Bay Natives Nursery at  10 Cargo Way in San Francisco. There will be one April 22 and again on May 13. On both days, at 1 p.m., there will be a talk on Edible Backyard Gardens by Mike Boss, Plant Ecologist and Garden Maker.

Available at the edible perennials sales will be trees, shrubs, vines, and non-woody perennials--everything from artichoke plants to unusual citrus. 

While you're there, check out the natives at Bay Natives, as well as their lively flock of chickens. Penned next to the nursery is a small herd of goats, also fun to watch. 



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Pam Peirce

Hi Katy,

I am working on talks myself right now, so don't have much time. I will say that there is much about edible weeds in my book Golden Gate Gardening. There is a 30 page chapter on weeds, with edibility information for each. I also wrote a column recently for the SF Chronicle in which I wrote in detail on the many uses of wild fennel. Try going to sfgate.com and searching for my name--spelled correctly, and see if it comes up. If you write me through my website (pampeirce.com) I will have your email address and will write what else comes to me.

Katy Renner

Dear Pam: I met you and heard yyour talk on herrbs at the Herb Society of America Conference in Northern CA.

Also my daughter Monica Renner said that you were very generous and donated books to the San Fco Botanical Garden for their Auction. Monica was in charge of the auction, and said you were lovely.

I am a Master Gardener in Santa Barbara CA and preparing a talk on edible weeds. Monica mentioned that you spoke to her about weeds and that you werevery knowledgeable of course.

I was wondering if you would help me in the right direction in books or videos or articles you may have written on edible weeds.

I thank you in advance and Hope this is not too inconvenient. I would be incredibly thankful,

Thank you very much,

[email protected]

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